The group app in which many radio stations worldwide participate to allow their contributors to stream live over IP to their station for free. Get listed to ensure the best studio quality from anyone, anytime and anywhere by the simple push of one button. By adding your logo to your listing, it is like having your own corporate customized app. And in order to prevent unwanted guests coming in, you can use a daily, weekly or eternal security access pin code.
The choice is yours
Whether you want anyone from anywhere to stream live for free from their mobile, tablet, PC or Mac to your studio, they also need a stable 4G network, WiFi or fixed line internet connection to stream live to your station. And on your side, make sure you have either LUCI STUDIO properly installed or a third party hardware codec like Comrex or Telos to receive their live incoming stream. Check out all features below. Still not sure this is the right solution for you? Get in touch!
Enjoy low processor usage with Technica Del Arte’s own ULCC audio codec.
- Point-to-point group application, so no host or third party networking in between
- Remote professional broadcast connection in studio quality audio
- Comes by default with one station i.e. stereo stream
- Works on: iOS – Android – Windows – Mac – Linux
- Free download and install for all platforms for contributors
- Monthly subscription per stream invoiced annually
- RTP low-delay streaming, two-way, so including return channel
- SIP compatible
- One-way shoutcast / icecast streaming
- Stream cloning, send redundant streams via 3G, WiFi , Ethernet simultaneously
- Audio codecs: MP2,AAC-LC, AAC-HE, AAC-HEV2, AAC-LD, AAC-ELD, Linear 16-bit, Linear 24-bit, Opus, G711, G722, 24 bit ULCC
- Sample-rate from 44.1 to 192 kHz
- 30-day free trial listing
- Subscribe annually for one or multiple listings
- Add your own station’s logo to your listing and interface
- Secure access the app with a daily, weekly or monthly pin code
- Constantly updated to the latest IP-technology and standards
- Free help desk via dedicated support centre
Supported Devices
- All iOS 12 devices (or higher)
- All Android 6 devices (or higher)
- All macOS 10.12 devices (minimum)
- All Windows 7, 8, 10, 11 devices (64-bit only)
- Linux (64-bit only)
How to connect LUCI GLOBAL to LUCI Studi or a hardware codec

Connect LUCI GLOBAL with your LUCI STUDIO or a third party hardware codec. Provide all set up details including the destination IP-address and Port in order to be added in the directory of your liking.
How to instruct your Contributors

Send an invite to your contributors to download & install the LUCI Global app for free and have them talk live with your presenters in superb audio quality. It is as if they are actually present in your studio. They only have to choose your station from the right directory and then push one button in order to go live.
How to add a logo to your listing

Check out the LUCI Global station’s logo image requirements for both the User Interface and the directory listing. This great added feature comes for free with your subscription. Once your station is selected, LUCI Global opens with your station and logo in the interface. It definitely looks like it is your own app!