LUCI Rooms demo


Try Before You Buy!

We recommend you check that LUCI Rooms works properly on your device and platform by downloading the software. In the app there are different public Rooms where you can see, hear and test the full functionality of the app. Record, listen and share these recordings to test the full functionality.

Demo Room – Dark Room – Industrial Room

The soundscapes in these three Rooms are designed by content creator

This allows you to evaluate if the software meets your needs. You can decide later to rent your own Room in the app.

iOs demo

Runs on phones or tablets.
Requirements: iOS 12.0 or later

macOS demo

For all Mac computers, desktop or laptop
Requirements: macOS Sierra 10.12 or higher.

Android demo

Runs on phones or tablets, but not all
Requirements: Android 6.0 and screen of 800×480 minimum

Windows demo

Runs on Windows 7 or higher
Requirements: Windows 7 or higher, min. 64-bit